Vegetable Gardening

List of Fruits Kids Can Grow at Home


Growing your own food and especially fruits at home is an adventurous and marvelous activity. It is such kind of activity in garden and home that strengthens the family bond. If practiced by the family members together, then there is no better project that is super-fun as well as entertaining that provides a positive learning of new skills for both kids and adults. I receive many queries daily requesting to provide list of fruits that can be grown easily at home. So I decided to write about it. It should be noted that the harvested fruits at home bring more taste and love as compare to those purchased from shopping malls and markets.

Family farming is idyllic in garden and home. However, most people feel bit nervous at start by the fear of possible procedural complexities that might arise which can result in failure and a daunting experience if their initial attempts are not fruitful. 

Needless to say, learning the skill of growing fruits at home always benefit the families, especially kids for the rest of their lives. This also motivates them to eat more of the good and healthy food rather than fuelling their bodies with all the junk and carbonated food and drink items. At parental end, they should have list of fruits easily grown by kids. This will not only make them busy in a positive and constructive activity but also usage of junk items will be reduced.  

In addition to learn the skills of growing fruits at home, involving kids in garden and home farming is a great tool of excitement. It is also an excellent learning method which teaches kids with a sense of responsibility, cooperative learning, making them calm, patient and inspire them to plant fruits by themselves.

Nevertheless, after doing all the hard and meticulous work by your kids to produce scrumptious and bounty of fresh and organic fruit, you also have the option to preserve them as dried fruits for a yearlong supply of healthy and nutritious food for your children.

This article discusses list of fruits that are easiest to plant and grow in garden and home. This list of fruits also can also be regarded as a benchmark for kid’s family farming activity.

  • Tomatoes

First item in my list of fruits that should be grown in garden and home is Tomatoes. Tomatoes are the easiest to plant and manage even for the kids. The plant grows at a fast pace among all other kinds of fruit plants. This makes it an ideal fruit for kids to grow in garden and home, especially the bush variety such as ‘cherry cascade’ that can be planted in hanging baskets. Even as an adult and hobby, if you are planning to grow fruits at home, tomatoes should be prioritized in the list of fruits.

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