For all those cherry lovers out there, growing cherries from seed or to be more exact growing cherries from pits seems surreal and fascinating at the same time, when you can enjoy delicious home grown backyard cherries.
How to grow cherries from seed seems a difficult task for most and for those, where crop fails to produce fruit in the initial attempt. This crushes all their confidence and excitement to procure this hobby in the first place.
Those who have even a slightest bit of interest of growing cherries from seed at home, from where they can consume fresh, luscious and succulent fruits instead of having store-bought produce that lacks essential nutrients and can’t beat fresh home grown cherries, then follow these 7 steps precisely.
At the end of this article, you will learn that growing cherries from pits is a piece of cake, plus it will fulfill your lust of satisfying your gardening hobby.
Step 1: Getting the Cherry Seed from Fruit
To answer how to grow cherries from seed question, let’s begin with the very first step of obtaining the cherry seeds. Remove the pit from the fruit and clean off any of the remaining flesh or pulp. Just keep in mind of not removing the hard shell that surrounds the pit or seed. If the shell is broken, the dream of growing cherries from seed will die at that very moment.
Step 2: Chilling Treatment
Those who are new to growing cherries, it is to be noted that cherries require chilling treatment before germination. So to mimic an artificial cold season environment, next step is applying chilling treatment to cherry pits. This can be done by placing the pits in a plastic bag.
Fill this bag with damp paper towels and then store the bag in refrigerator for at least 10 weeks. Adding moist vermiculture in the bag will add strength to the cherry seeds. The damp towels allow the pits not to dry out and make sure to keep a regular check of moisture level inside the bag.
Step 3: Removing Pits from Refrigerator
After the time frame of 10 weeks have passed, remove the pits from the plastic bag and allow them to come to room temperature subsequently making the pits ready to be planted in soil. However, its ideal to plant your cherries in the late fall or early summer season as the soil contains higher moisture content.